
Wellpoint dewatering is widely used for excavations of shallow depths, especially for pipeline trench excavations. In appropriate ground conditions a wellpoint system can be installed speedily and made operational rapidly. A typical wellpoint system consists of a series of small diameters wells (known as wellpoints) connected via a header pipe, to the suction side of a suitable wellpoint pump. The pump creates a vacuum in the header pipe, drawing water up out of the ground. For long pipeline trenches, horizontal wellpoints may be installed by special trenching machines.
Wellpoints are typically installed in lines or rings around the excavation, and are pumped by diesel or electrically powered pumps, with associated header mains, water discharge pipes, power supply generators, electrical controls and monitoring systems.
Groundwater Engineering provides complete wellpoint dewatering solutions:
- Design of dewatering systems
- Wellpoint installation
- Equipment sales and rental
- Monitoring systems
- On-site operation and maintenance
Dewatering for Basement Construction
12 March 2016Groundwater can be a significant problem when excavating for basement construction. This blog discusses the available techniques that can be used to dewater during basement construction.
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